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Retired Employees Contributory Health Scheme (RECHS)

  • Information Window

    1. पाइपिंग सेंटर, चेन्नई के एचपीबीपी, त्रिची के साथ विलय के परिणामस्वरूप; पाइपिंग सेंटर, चेन्नई के आरईसीएचएस सदस्यों/लाभार्थियों का पंजीकरण बीएचईएल, आरओडी, चेन्नई में स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया है। सदस्यों/लाभार्थियों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे सुश्री आर. अनीता, मैनेजर (एचआर), बीएचईएल, आरओडी से anitha[at]bhel[dot]in पर संपर्क बनाए रखें।

      बीएचईएल, आरओडी, चेन्नई का पता इस प्रकार है:

      बीएचईएल, आरओडी, चेन्नई
      एकीकृत कार्यालय परिसर
      दूसरी मंजिल
      26/4, तांबरम - वेलाचेरी मेन रोड
      कामाक्षी हॉस्पिटल के पीछे
      पल्लीकरनई (Pallikaranai)
      चेन्नई - 600100

      Pursuant to merger of Piping Centre, Chennai with HPBP, Trichy, the registration of RECHS Members/ Beneficiaries of Piping Centre, Chennai has been transferred to ROD, Chennai. Beneficiaries are advised to get in touch with Ms. R Anitha, Manager(HR),BHEL, ROD at anitha[at]bhel[dot]in

      Address of ROD, Chennai is :

      Integrated Office Complex
      Second Floor
      26/4, Tambaram to Velachery Main Road
      Behind Kamakshi Hospital
      Chennai - 600100

    2. Annual revalidation is to be completed every year between 1st January and by 31st March.

      • After 31st March, membership shall be suspended.

        • Any revalidation after 31st March, a re-entry fees equivalent to the rate of annual revalidation charges for each financial year would be payable in addition to revalidation fee for the latest benefit period and no benefits for the broken period of membership will be admissible to the beneficiary.

    3. The annual revalidation fee under BHEL RECHS for Executives and Non-Executives to Rs.200/- and Rs.100/- respectively

    4. RECHS Online Revalidation will start from 01st January 2025 for FY 2025-26. Kindly revalidate your membership before 31st March 2025 to avoid suspension of membership

    5. Click to Login into eCARE Profile and Payment of Next Financial Year RECHS Revalidation

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